Welcome to Muff Torrent.com
>  System message
MuffTorrent is now closed due to legal issues.

We'll miss this and our other sites as much as you will. Check back often as we will announce all of our newly created sites here. We will not be making any new torrent (or p2p) sites, but we will be making fun and useful sites that make the web what it is, an entertaining and educational escape.

Thanks go out to everyone who have donated their time and money to make these sites what they were for the past year and helped to create a community out of an otherwise anonymous internet.

Good luck to everyone in their future endeavors,

The Muff Torrent staff

>  Site Chat - (please adhere to our site filtering rules or risk a ban)     IRC Chat - Web IRC Chat

>  Major site news
>  01/27 - MuffTorrent - Lokitorrent Secure Chat Client (by WarpCycle)
We have a new secure chat client for all to use, it connects to our IRC server using SSL, 256bit AES Encrtption. Get it now and chat with other members :)

Download it Now!

and dont forget to /join #mufftorrent

>  Recent Additions/Changes

>  Coming Attractions/Recent Issues

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>  Statistics

Tracking 0 Torrents with 0 Peers (0 Seeders and 0 Leechers)
0 Peers tracked locally
0 Peers tracked externally
Current Seeder/Leecher Ratio (%) = 100%

280407 Total Registered Users

Advanced Statistics

>  Online Users (within 20 minutes)

Welcome our newest member: Frazza
13 Members and 95 Guests are online right now with 0 active transfers

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>  Top Referrers
10875 Referrals
8719 Referrals
6564 Referrals
6403 Referrals
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3013 Referrals
2566 Referrals
1436 Referrals
1422 Referrals

Last site update on
03-05-2024 - 23:46:05
Frontend coded by Lowkee
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