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>  To All Commercial Software Companies
If you are the author of some commercial software that was posted on this site and want it removed

Please click here for easy directions on how to get it removed only after reading our Terms and Conditions.

Anyone who posts a torrent listed in the banned torrents list (located on the upload page) will be banned forever from this site without warning

>  Site Chat - (please adhere to our site filtering rules or risk a ban)     IRC Chat - Web IRC Chat

>  Major site news
>  01/27 - MuffTorrent - Lokitorrent Secure Chat Client (by WarpCycle)
We have a new secure chat client for all to use, it connects to our IRC server using SSL, 256bit AES Encrtption. Get it now and chat with other members :)

Download it Now!

and dont forget to /join #mufftorrent

>  01/08 - 100% once again! (by lowkee)
We had a server's HDD die on us, but things should now be fixed and back to normal once again.

1: All torrents should now be updating
2: All scrapes should now be happening
3: Working torrents should now be visible
4: Trackers are working again!

>  12/31 - Emails are now working and new account signups are reopened (by lowkee)
We apologize for the email service disruption recently, as we have been changing e-mail server software, and our install quickly spiraled out of control. We have finally stabilized the system and all should be working as expected.

Feel free to sign up for an account here if you haven't in the past, also, our daily torrent emails should now be working once again.

>  12/08 - Uploading is working once again (by lowkee)
In our haste to show off our new and improved speedy site, we broke our torrent uploading screen. Well, after figuring out our blonde moment, we have fixed it!

Thanks for your patience, and please reupload any files that did not successfully upload in the past few days, as we had to remove them.

>  Recent Additions/Changes
>  12/19 - New Torrent Listing Page! (by lowkee)
We have consolidated our search and torrent listing pages, completed recoded our listings layout and adding even more functionality to LokiTorrent.

Now searching and browsing are located all on the same page.

"Why waste the extra click?" is our motto! Enjoy!

>  11/09 - PeerGuardian blocks removed (by lowkee)
As people had too many issues with the PeerGuardian bans, I have disabled them on MuffTorrent as well as LokiTorrent.

If you know someone that had issues with them, let them know they are welcome back, now, as they won't have those problems anymore.

>  Coming Attractions/Recent Issues

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>  Statistics

Tracking 1728 Torrents with 53475 Peers (16525 Seeders and 36950 Leechers)
25393 Peers tracked locally
28082 Peers tracked externally
Current Seeder/Leecher Ratio (%) = 44%

293625 Total Registered Users

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174 Members and 396 Guests are online right now with 53475 active transfers

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Last site update on
02-09-2024 - 08:18:49
Frontend coded by Lowkee
Tracker powered by XBTT