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We apologize in advance for having to add this option, as our forums and email support are constantly clogged by users who install every spam filter under the sun, configure it for maximum protection (or not at all), then e-mail us complaining of unsent emails.
E-mail Type: HTML    Text
HTML e-mails are clean and nice looking, but as SPAM gets more and more filtered, many new members are complaining about not receiving our e-mails. If you have the slightest doubt that your e-mail is SPAM filtered or not (yes, many ISPs filter e-mail), choose text.
Signup Time: Wed 02nd Mar, 2024 06:44 pm
  • If you use HotMail.com or MSN.com for your e-mail, your confirmation e-mail will most likely not be received in your inbox. It will most likely be sent to your "Junk Mail" folder, as Microsoft in their attempts to filter junk mail now filter almost all automated mail. This is likely to happen with many more sites as time goes on, I suggest giving Yahoo Mail a try. Even then, you may want to check your "Junk Mail" folder for the confirmation email, as it may get placed in there due to html code
  • If you use MailBlocks or SPAM Free or any other email service that requires a human to click on a confirmation link OR think of putting [email protected] or any such nonsense, don't bother! Obviously you will never get the confirmation email and will never be able to use this site. Get a yahoo account if you are paranoid about SPAM
  • That said, Muff Torrent will never give (or sell) your email info to anyone. It is merely used to prevent abuse, allow for account changes and allow you to get automated notifications of your choosing (all notifications are disabled by default)

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Last site update on
03-02-2024 - 18:44:55
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